The 104th biennial General Assembly will convene on January 8.

The convening of a new two-year General Assembly is a time for lawmakers to reflect on the lessons of the past, renew their commitment to finding solutions for current challenges, and embrace new opportunities for Illinois. Senate Republicans say the state faces significant challenges, making it critical for Senate members to focus on collaboration rather than getting mired in partisan bickering.

The Illinois state budget faces a projected deficit of more than $3 billion in the next fiscal year, due in part to a significant increase in state spending fueled by temporary federal funds. Spending growth has been further driven by Governor JB Pritzker’s initiatives, including programs for noncitizens, such as free healthcare, which cost Illinois taxpayers over $1 billion annually. To support these programs, the Governor recently enacted $1 billion in tax increases.  

Senate Republicans are urging Governor Pritzker to balance the upcoming budget without raising taxes, as struggling Illinoisans cannot afford to cover the cost of the Governor’s self-made budget crisis.

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