Legislation to amend the Emergency Telephone System Act to explicitly include sheriffs as eligible members on local 9-1-1 boards recently passed the General Assembly. The hope is to recognize the role sheriffs play in ensuring the safety and well-being of our communities.

House Bill 5128 addresses a longstanding issue by formally allowing sheriffs to serve on local 9-1-1 boards. These boards are deeply involved in planning, implementing, and maintaining the 9-1-1 systems. They are responsible for receiving and managing 9-1-1 surcharge funds, authorizing disbursements, and hiring necessary staff to support system operations and upgrades.

Senate Republicans noted that including sheriffs on these boards will ensure that their expertise and insights as law enforcement officers are integrated into decision-making that directly impacts emergency response services.

The legislation passed the Senate on May 16th and will now advance to the Governor’s desk for his signature.

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