John Curran: Pritzker’s budget prioritizes non-citizens over Illinois taxpayers 

Illinois Senate Republican Leader John Curran (R-Downers Grove) released the following statement on the Senate passage of the FY 25 Budget:

“A budget is a list of priorities, and this budget passed by the Democratic Majority prioritizes newly arrived non-citizens over the taxpayers we were elected to represent. It is patently unfair to raise taxes on Illinois families struggling to afford basic needs, and job creators fighting to keep people employed to pay for the migrant crisis Gov. Pritzker created.”

Senator Plummer Statement on Budget

State Senator Jason Plummer (R-Edwardsville) released the below statement following the Senate’s passage of a Fiscal Year 2025 budget:

“The people and businesses of this state would have been bankrupt long ago if they ran their finances like Governor Pritzker handles state spending. He has increased spending 36% in just a few years in office, fueled by federal money that has now run out. Now, instead of making tough decisions and trimming excess, he has decided to increase spending to new record levels, this time fueled by a billion dollars in tax hikes.

“What do Illinoisans get in return for the Governor’s profligate spending? A billion dollars in tax hikes that will crush their finances. Meanwhile, as they struggle to buy food and pay for things like healthcare, the Governor continues to throw money at his self-created immigrant crisis to the tune of more than a billion dollars per year.

“The people of Illinois deserve better. Unfortunately, they won’t get it this year, thanks to the Governor and his allies who just can’t stop treating the people of Illinois like their personal piggy bank.”

Syverson opposes Pritzker’s budget that hikes taxes by nearly $1 billion

State Senator Dave Syverson (R-Cherry Valley) says government spending has increased by 32 percent since Governor JB Pritzker took office, forcing a state budget that includes nearly $1 billion in higher taxes.

The Senate passed the Fiscal Year 2025 budget May 26 by a 38-21 vote, with no Republicans supporting the budget because of its misplaced priorities. It now moves to the House of Representatives for consideration.

“Gov. Pritzker has once again chosen big government instead of helping overtaxed, struggling working families. He has forced through a record-breaking $53 billion budget that provides billions in benefits for noncitizens,” Sen. Syverson said. “We have said time and again that Pritzker’s open door sanctuary policy would lead to unchecked spending that would result in tax increases. And here we are. In addition to providing free top-level healthcare to undocumented immigrants, Illinois is covering the cost of children’s healthcare, housing, cash assistance, daycare, education, and other social service programs. That does not include the hundreds of millions it is costing local property taxpayers.”

Sen. Syverson says years of such record spending poses a serious risk to Illinois’ fiscal stability.

“No state or country has ever taxed its way into prosperity. When talking about the new tax increases, all we hear from the left is that they just want people to pay their fair share,” Sen. Syverson said, “Why are working families considered greedy for not wanting to give up more, yet Government is not greedy for wanting to take more? Government needs to live within its means like working families do.”

Sen. Syverson said attempts to work with Democrat leaders to pass a responsible budget this spring were not successful, but he and his Senate Republican colleagues will continue to support the kind of business and government reforms needed to boost Illinois’ economy and jobs.

Fiscal Year 2025 runs from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.

Senator Stoller reacts to passage of state budget

State Senator Win Stoller (R- Germantown Hills) has released the below statement following the passage of the state budget:

“This budget fails to address the real needs of our hardworking residents across the state by imposing unwarranted tax hikes and crippling financial burdens on businesses and families alike,” said Senator Stoller “We warned the Governor that the federal COVID funds would eventually run out, leaving our residents to bear the cost of his reckless spending. Now, while taxpaying citizens struggle to receive the vital services they need, we are forced to cover a billion-dollar bill for illegal citizens to access better medical care than what is available to many Illinoisans. This is not only wrong but a disgrace to the people who call Illinois home.”

Senator McClure Statement on Budget

State Senator Steve McClure (R-Springfield) released the following statement following the Senate passage of a Fiscal Year 2025 budget:

“Here we go again, the same old plot of tax hikes and gimmicks. I’ve seen this movie before. This is the one where most of the people leave before the ending. Governor Pritzker is doubling down on some of the most unpopular tax policies in the country, while leaving behind some of the most vulnerable people in the state. “

Senator McConchie Issues Budget Statement

State Senator Dan McConchie (R-Hawthorn Woods) issued the following statement after voting against Governor Pritzker’s budget that will spend more than $53 billion in Fiscal Year 2025:

“Once again, the Governor has proposed a state budget that misaligns with the priorities that would best serve the people of Illinois. Despite proposing the largest budget in state history, he still needs to raise taxes to fund it. Why? Because of his self-created migrant crisis. He is raising taxes by nearly $1 billion dollars to allocate a billion to non-citizens.

“While our families, schools, and the developmentally disabled community are struggling, and food prices are at a 30-year high, he is still relying on our taxpayers to make up for his spending.

“Since Governor Pritzker took office, state spending has surged by a concerning 32%, a record-setting extra $13 billion in increased state spending since 2019. It’s not sustainable, which is why I voted no.”

Senator Wilcox Rejects Democrats’ FY 2025 Spending Plan

On May 26, Senate Democrats pushed through a Fiscal Year 2025 budget that includes record spending and nearly $1 billion in tax hikes. In response to the Senate’s passage of the budget, State Senator Craig Wilcox (R-McHenry), who voted against it, released the following statement:

“Once again, Governor Pritzker and his majority party have disregarded the significant fiscal challenges facing Illinois families by pushing through a budget that imposes approximately $1 billion in new taxes. These added financial burdens are more than working families can bear, exacerbating their already strained finances. This approach highlights a troubling disconnect between the Democrats’ policies and the everyday realities of Illinoisans who are struggling to make ends meet. With the Senate’s passage of this irresponsible budget, spending has increased an astounding $12.8 billion, or 32%, under Governor JB Pritzker.

“By prioritizing tax increases over sustainable financial solutions, the Pritzker administration shows a clear disregard for the economic well-being of the state’s residents. The Democrats’ continued reliance on increased taxation is not only unsustainable but also detrimental to the long-term financial health of Illinois. It’s time for a more balanced approach that respects the financial realities of all citizens and seeks to create a more prosperous future for everyone in our state.”

Senator Seth Lewis Votes Against Fiscal Year 2025 Budget

On May 26, Senate Democrats pushed through a Fiscal Year 2025 budget that includes record spending and nearly $1 billion in tax hikes. In response to the Senate’s passage of the budget, State Senator Seth Lewis (R-Bartlett), who voted against it, released the following statement:

“As lawmakers, we have a duty to create a budget that acknowledges the financial realities faced by the residents of our state. It is crucial that the people we represent receive a transparent and straightforward budget, free from gimmicks, that sets a clear and honest path forward. Every Illinoisan deserves an equal opportunity for prosperity, but regrettably, this budget misses the mark in providing the framework necessary for sustainable progress toward that objective.”

Senator Anderson reacts to passage of FY2025 state budget

State Senator Neil Anderson (R-Andalusia) has released the below statement following the passage of the state’s Fiscal Year 2025 budget:

 “Under this budget, Illinois residents are treated as second-class citizens while illegal immigrants receive highly sought-after care, depriving our own residents of essential services. This budget alone contains nearly a billion dollars in tax hikes all to fund Governor Pritzker self-created illegal immigrant crisis.

“Despite being one of the highest-taxed states in the nation, it’s clear that our state doesn’t have a revenue problem, but rather the left has a serious spending problem. State spending alone, driven by this Governor and his democratic allies, has increased an egregious 32 percent since taking office—a recording setting increase. The Democrats call this a ‘responsible’ budget, but their words are misleading and their policies thrive on smooth rhetoric and public apathy.”

Senator DeWitte Rejects Democrats’ FY 2025 Spending Plan

On May 26, Senate Democrats pushed through a Fiscal Year 2025 budget that includes record spending and nearly $1 billion in tax hikes. In response to the Senate’s passage of the budget, State Senator Don DeWitte (R-St. Charles), who voted against it, released the following statement:

“Every revenue agency that advises Governor Pritzker has forecasted a decline in revenues for Fiscal Year 2025. However, the budget brought forward by the Governor and statehouse Democrats fails to address this challenge, maintaining the status quo of uncontrolled spending. Instead of offering desperately needed tax relief, the budget imposes nearly $1 billion in new tax hikes, treating Illinois taxpayers like the Governor’s personal ATM machine. Astonishingly, spending has increased $12.8 billion since Governor Pritzker took office.

“Families are already struggling to make ends meet, and this budget only adds to their burden. We owe it to the people of Illinois to deliver a budget that truly reflects their needs, honors their hard work, and upholds the highest standards of fiscal responsibility. This budget is a significant disappointment and is a missed opportunity for real reform.”

Senator Harriss reacts to passing of FY2025 state budget

State Senator Erica Harriss (56th-Glen Carbon) has released the below statement following the passage of the state budget:

“We have a responsibility to be prudent stewards of taxpayer dollars, and this budget fails our hard-working residents. In these challenging times, this budget places unnecessary tax hikes on our state’s residents and businesses, potentially damaging our economy and stifling growth. It is disappointing to see non-citizens prioritized over the residents who have invested their lives and raised their families here. Our residents deserve a better return on their investment without the burden of higher taxes.”

Sen. Tracy opposes Pritzker budget that raises taxes by nearly $1 billion

State Sen. Jil Tracy (R-Quincy) says Illinoisans will be paying nearly $1 billion in higher taxes in the coming year to help pay for a crisis of Gov. JB Pritzker’s making – supporting thousands of noncitizens he invited to Illinois.

The Senate passed the Fiscal Year 2025 budget by a 38-21 vote May 26, with no Republican Caucus members supporting it. It now moves to the House of Representatives for consideration.

“Gov. Pritzker has made it abundantly clear that Illinoisans are not his priority. They are, rather, a source of tax dollars he returns to again and again – this year, to pay for a record-setting $53 billion budget. This year, he has raised our taxes by nearly $1 billion to pay for the thousands of noncitizens that have come to Illinois at his invitation,” Tracy said. “Pritzker continues to focus on free healthcare, housing, and social services for noncitizens, when his budget priorities should be Illinoisans and their families.”

Tracy says such record-high spending puts Illinois’ fiscal future in jeopardy.

“In the last couple years, this kind of over-the-top spending was only possible with the help of billions of federal tax dollars. That fiscal picture has changed, but Democratic leaders continue their economic gluttony,” Tracy said. “When was the last time they actually tailored their spending to the available revenues, instead of increasing taxes to spend more … and more? By any financial standard, these tax-and-spend sprees are not sustainable.”

Attempts to work with Democrat leaders to pass a responsible budget this spring were not successful, but Tracy says Senate Republicans will continue to support the kind of business and government reforms needed to boost Illinois’ economy and jobs.

Fiscal Year 2025 runs from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.

Senator Fowler Issues Budget Statement

State Senator Dale Fowler (R-Harrisburg) issued the following statement after Democrat lawmakers passed a budget that spends more than $53 billion in Fiscal Year 2025:
“While I had remained hopeful that lawmakers could work together to produce a responsible budget, I’m disappointed to share that the proposal passed through the Senate does not prioritize Illinoisans. In fact, their action today balloons spending to a shocking $53 billion dollars, raising taxes on the people of Illinois, and directing almost $1 billion toward non-citizen programming.
“Rather than focus on helping struggling families make ends meet, what was done today sets a troubling new state record—increasing state spending by 32% since the current Administration took office. This isn’t about tax relief for the citizens, it’s about tax increases to fund an irresponsible, unsustainable agenda built on the backs of Illinoisans. Our working families deserve a budget that reflects the values and needs of the people of this state, which is why I voted no.”

Senator Bennett Issues Budget Statement

Senator Tom Bennet (R-Gibson City) issued the following statement after voting against Governor Pritzker’s budget that will spend more than $53 billion in Fiscal Year 2025:

“The Governor has once more followed through with a state budget that fails to align with the priorities of Illinois residents.

“His actions repeatedly show that his priorities are misguided. He intends to raise taxes on hardworking Illinoisans by nearly a $1 billion in an effort to fund his self-created migrant crisis, leaving special education students, college students, the developmentally disabled community, school construction, soil and water, and the taxpayers of Illinois in the dust.

“Since Governor Pritzker took office, state spending has increased by a troubling 32% in just five years—a record breaking figure of $13 billion​. This path Governor Pritzker and his allies continue down is unstainable. Where will revenue come from next year?

 “As a result, people might have to pay more for the same goods, earn less for the same work, or even both. Taxpayers in Illinois deserve a clear and transparent budgeting process that focuses on essential spending and manages their money responsibly.”

Rezin reacts to FY25 Budget

Illinois Senate Deputy Minority Leader Sue Rezin (R-Morris) issued the following statement after Democratic lawmakers passed a budget that spends more than $53 billion in Fiscal Year 2025:

“I have consistently said that lawmakers must make the hardworking citizens of Illinois our priority. This budget raises taxes by roughly a billion dollars on Illinois families. 

“It sets a record for government spending, bringing a shocking increase of more than 32 percent since the Governor first took office. Despite the continued escalation in spending, state funding for K-12 schools is only increased by the minimum agreement set under the Evidence-Based Formula. The budget also fails to provide a living wage for the incredible Direct Support Professionals who take care of our state’s most vulnerable.

“The people of Illinois deserve better than this. They deserve a budget that provides real and meaningful relief that prioritizes middle class families.”

Senator Sally Turner reacts to FY25 Budget

State Senator Sally Turner (R-Beason) issued the following statement after Democratic lawmakers passed a budget that spends more than $53 billion in Fiscal Year 2025:

“Today, Governor Pritzker kept his promise to raise taxes on Illinois citizens by a billion dollars so that he can spend a billion per year on programs for non-citizens.

“On Memorial Day weekend, Illinois Democrats chose to allocate more than three times as much funding for non-citizens than to the Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs for vital services for our nation’s veterans. This is wrong – plain and simple.

“Meanwhile, hundreds of residents who work at the Logan Correctional Center are currently waiting to find out if they will lose their jobs or be forced to pick up their lives and move their families to another part of the state. These Illinois citizens are rightfully wondering: would this be happening to them if the billions of dollars we will have spent on non-citizen programs had been used to address the deferred maintenance at the Logan Correctional Center? A question they may never see answered.

“This budget is just another example of this Administration failing to make the citizens of our state their priority.”

Bryant reacts to FY25 Budget

State Senator Terri Bryant (R-Murphysboro) issued the following statement after Democratic lawmakers passed a budget that spends more than $53 billion in Fiscal Year 2025:

“Once again, Governor Pritzker and his allies have set a new state budget record – increasing spending by 32 percent since he first took office. And once again, we are prioritizing spending funds on non-citizen programs instead of properly funding Direct Support Professionals, the people who take care of our state’s most vulnerable population.

“For years, Senate Republicans have warned Governor Pritzker and his allies that the use of temporary federal funds and unexpected revenue to create and grow new permanent spending was leading the state towards a fiscal cliff. Now, thanks to their desire to spend $1 billion per year on non-citizens, the citizens of our state will see increased taxes, so the Majority Party can hang onto the ledge of their irresponsible fiscal cliff.

“The citizens of our state deserve a budget that reflects their priorities – not a budget that prioritizes Pritzker’s national political agenda.”

Senator Andrew Chesney Rejects Democrats’ FY 2025 Spending Plan

On May 26, Senate Democrats pushed through a Fiscal Year 2025 budget that includes record spending and nearly $1 billion in tax hikes. In response to the Senate’s passage of the budget, State Senator Andrew Chesney (R-Freeport), who voted against it, released the following statement:

“This reckless budget from out-of-touch Democrats aligns more with California-style policies than the values of our Midwestern neighbors. The Fiscal Year 2025 budget includes record spending and funnels billions towards migrants and illegal immigrants, liberal social programs, and abortion services. It also includes hefty pay raises to greedy politicians—all while burdening Illinois residents with nearly $1 billion in tax hikes. The people of Illinois deserve a budget that truly reflects their needs and values, not this disastrous display of fiscal mismanagement.”

Senator Rose Issues Budget Statement

State Sen. Chapin Rose (R-Mahomet) issued the following statement after voting against Governor Pritzker’s budget that will spend more than $53 billion in Fiscal Year 2025:

“There has been a $13 billion increase in spending since Governor Pritzker took office in 2019. This budget alone contained nearly $1 billion in tax hikes on the people of Illinois only to funnel nearly $1 billion toward spending on Governor Pritzker’s self-created illegal immigrant crisis. Free healthcare for immigrants is a homing beacon, bringing non-citizens to our state only to have Illinoisans foot the bill. This cost falls directly on the backs of the working people of this state.

“Speaking of working people, Pritzker is stealing money out of the gas tax to divert to a new program to buy $75,000 electric vehicles for rich people. That money is coming right out the working people of Illinois’ pockets, and then used to give $4,000 EV credits to buy $75,000 electric cars. People in Casey, Illinois, and the rest of the 51st District, can’t afford a $75,000 car. Pritzker is out of his mind.

“Then, Pritzker says he is going to do grocery tax relief. Well, the grocery tax relief does not start for another 18 months. In the meantime, he is letting all your local municipalities have free rein to raise taxes on not just groceries, but for most of the towns I represent, all merchandise. He is soaking the working people of this state in taxes to pay for illegal immigrants, EV credits for the rich, and to raise local taxes on small communities. This is nuts, but that is J.B. Pritzker’s vision for Illinois and America. However, it is not mine, and I voted no.”

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