On May 8, Senate lawmakers heard testimony on new legislation to improve accessibility and inclusivity for individuals with disabilities and their caregivers in public spaces.

Senate Bill 2908, also known as Sami’s Law, would require certain public buildings, such as the State Capitol building and state rest stops, to install at least one publicly accessible adult changing station if the building is constructed two or more years after the effective date of the Act or if a building is seeking alterations or additions that are valued at $50,000 or more four or more years after the law takes effect.

Sami’s Law, sponsored by Senator Sue Rezin, was created as an initiative of one of Sen. Rezin’s district staffers, Renee Abraham. The bill is named after Renee’s 26-year-old daughter, who suffers from Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Renee was granted the opportunity to testify during the hearing.

The legislation was introduced during a subject matter hearing in the Senate Executive Committee and is expected to start a larger conversation on the need to provide increased accessibility for individuals with severe disabilities.

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